Indonesian Batik Workshop
with Batik artists Agus Ismoyo and Nia Filam Sunday, April 28, 2019 Berkeley, CA (private home)
Admission: Workshop is open to members of TAC only, $200 plus a materials fee (approximately $30) to be paid the day of the workshop, pre-registration is required. The deadline to register is Friday, April 19, 2019.
Crossing both visible and invisible boundaries of nationality-ethnic background, the traditional-the contemporary, art-craft Agus Ismoyo (Indonesian) and Nia Filam (American) have been working collaboratively to produce contemporary textiles in their fine art batik studio, Brahma Tirta Sari in Yogyakarta, Indonesia since 1985. Ismoyo’s ancestors were batik makers in the court city of Solo in Java. He was trained in industrial management at the Industrial Academy (AKPRIND) in Yogyakarta. Nia originally explored dye resist techniques from Africa and Asia in America. She completed her fine arts degree at Pratt Institute in New York City before coming to Indonesia in 1983 to study traditional batik.
In this one day workshop Nia Filam and Agus Ismoyo will provide a step by step experience of the batik process. Nia and Ismoyo will share the insights in to the history and culture of batik and give an introduction to the equipment and materials used in the process followed by the opportunity to work with both hand drawn (batik tulis) and block print (batik chop) batik instruments to create individual pieces.
Please note, TAC’s exciting event opportunities are a benefit of your current membership in the Textile Arts Guild. To become a member, or renew a lapsed membership, please visit our website at www.textileartsguild.org/join-tac/. Our website is also where you can keep track of all of our upcoming events and tours as well as a full list of membership levels and benefits.
Please sign and send back the attached form along with your payment to reserve your place to this event. Remember, space is limited and workshops tend to fill up quickly with your fellow textile enthusiasts! Your space is not guaranteed until your payment is received.
Pre-registration is required. Please download the registration form and return to reserve your place.
Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118
Image: Workshop instructor Agus Ismoyo