Curator-led Tour of Contemporary Muslim Fashions
Wednesday, Oct 10, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the de Young
Admission: $100 per person, pre-registration required. Includes catered lunch at the de Young Café. Open to TAC members plus one guest.
Join the Textile Arts Council for a Curator-led tour of the Contemporary Muslim Fashions exhibit. The tour includes a lunch in the de Young café with the Caroline and H. McCoy Jones Department of Textile Arts curators: Jill D’Alessandro, Curator in Charge of Costume and Textile Arts, and Laura Camerlengo, Associate Curator of Costume and Textile Arts.
There will be a one-hour tour in the gallery first and then the group will gather in the de Young Café to continue the conversation. A catered lunch is included.
More details about the exhibit can be found at the museum web site here.
To participate, please download the registration form here and return to the TAC office with payment. For more information about this special member tour, please contact the TAC office.