11th ANNUAL CAROL WALTER SINTON PROGRAM FOR CRAFT ART Dancing Around Darkness: The Art of Norma Minkowitz
Saturday, June 20, 2015
10 am, Koret Auditorium, de Young Museum
I often dwell on the mysterious cycles of death and regeneration. In many of my works twigs and branches are left inside and are visible in an eerie way through the exterior of the sculpture, often suggesting connections to the human skeletal or circulatory systems. The outer netting obscures the shape within creating a sense of ambiguity in the shadows of the work. On the surface, paint and stitched lines appear and disappear depending on the light and viewing position. Intricate and random patterns are created by the nature of the open mesh structures. All of these elements combine to convey a sense of energy as the viewer moves around my sculpture. Conceptually, the interlaced fibers can lend a wonderful duality—simultaneously creating a delicate quality, and also implying the strength of steel mesh—symbolic of the human condition.
As my work evolves, one thing remains consistent: I am engaged in creating works that weave the personal and universal together. I look forward to discussing how my work has both overlapped and evolved over the years. http://art.famsf.org/norma-minkowitz and www.normaminkowitz.com