Kimono Re-Fashioned Tour
Tuesday, March 5, 2019, 10:30am or 1pm (tour is held twice; 2 different choices of time) Asian Art Museum, 200 Larkin St., San Francisco
Admission: $25 per person, includes museum entrance and tour. Open to members of TAC plus one guest. Pre-registration is required. Deadline to register is Friday, February 22, 2019.
(SOLD OUT — both morning and afternoon)
In the early 1980s, Japanese avant-garde designers took Paris by storm, disrupting the world of haute couture with their minimalist deconstructed clothing. But this was not the first time that Japanese design principles had transformed international fashion. Instead as Kimono Refashioned reveals, kimono – its materials, forms, techniques and decorative motifs – has inspired designers for more than 150 years.
Featuring over 35 garments from the Kyoto Costume Institute, dating from 1870 to today, Kimono Refashioned shows us that kimono continue to be a fertile source for contemporary designers, both in Japan and across the globe. Pre-registration is required.
To reserve your place, or for additional information, please download the registration form.
Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118