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Maile Andrade, Beneath the Surface of Feathers



With Maile Andrade, Native Hawaiian Visual Artist Saturday, February 20th, 2016, 10 a.m. Koret Auditorium, de Young Museum

Admission: Free for current members of the Textile Arts Council $5 for students and members of the FAMSF, $10 General Admission

“O ke kahua mamua, mahope ke kūkulu.” (‘ōlelo no‘eau #2459) The site first, and then the building.

Looking at the beautiful pieces of feather work presently on exhibit at the de Young Museum, we will begin to understand the richness and beauty of what makes up these pieces. For me as an artist, I want to understand the structure and foundation of these pieces that allow a surface layer of feathers to adorn the pieces. There are several techniques used in each piece from twining, netting, binding and the making of cordage. Understanding the framework of each style of the pieces is looking into the structure, foundation and form from the view of the practitioner. These forms are just as beautiful and interesting as the surface.

Maile Andrade is a multi-media artist and has a Masters of Fine Art degree from the University of Hawai’i-Månoa. She presently is a Professor at Kamakakukalani Center for Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai’i-Månoa teaching in a Native Hawaiian Creative Expression Program. She has received a variety of academic awards and was selected by the Folk Arts Apprentice Program to serve as an apprentice with Master Weaver Elizabeth Lee, received the 1998 Visual Arts Fellowship from the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and is the 2014 MAMo Awardee. She has participated in several Indigenous Symposiums/Gatherings in New Zealand, Tahiti, and the Longhouse in Evergreen State College, Washington. Maile was artist-in-resident inNew Zealand, at the Alaska Heritage Center, Anchorage and SAR School for AdvancedResearch, Santa Fe, NM. She serves as an Affiliate Researcher at Bishop Museum and has presented all over the world. She has exhibited her works locally, nationally and internationally.


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