Sculptural Knitting Workshop
With Lori Goldman
Sunday, October 13, 2019, 9:45 am to 4:30 pm de Young Museum, Wells Fargo Room
Fee: $100, pre-registration required. Open to Textile Arts Council members plus one guest.
Sign up deadline: October 4, 2019 download Registration Form
Please note: This workshop is full, and registration is now closed.
“To knit is to be freed from the constraints of everyday life” – from The Knitting Sutra
In this one day workshop knitting will be explored as an art form. Working in all directions, picking up stitches, creating random holes, cables and experimenting with usual materials will be explored. This will be a process experience where you will add to your tool box of textile techniques to be used in your work.
From Lori Goldman: “Rooted in the universal textile traditions, I have been working with fiber since the age of twelve. Growing up in San Francisco, I was exposed to the flourishing textile communities of Fiber Works and Pacific Basin textile schools. I have my BA in Textiles and MA in Sculpture from San Francisco State University.” For more information, please see Lori’s web site.
Please note: Attendees should have a firm grasp of basic knitting skills; cast on, knit, purl and bind off. This is not a beginning knitting class. Pre-registration is required. To reserve your place, or for additional information, please download the registration form.
Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118
Image credit: Courtesy of Lori Goldman