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TAC Tour of Tapestry Artist Alex Friedman’s studio


TAC Tour of Tapestry Artist Alex Friedman’s studio

Wednesday, May 23rd, 11:00 am Sausalito, CA

Admission: Workshop is open to members of TAC, $25, pre-registration is required. As a member, you are welcome to host one guest who need not be a TAC member.

Alex will welcome you to her colorful Sausalito studio. You will see a number of her large tapestries as well as many of her smaller pieces. She will discuss some of the techniques she uses to make the special effects. You will also be able to see her two looms and she will talk about her process in creating a tapestry from initial sketches, to the process of creating a cartoon, deciding the color palette, to the actual weaving process. She will demonstrate her weaving and will provide an opportunity for you to try it yourself.

The group will meet at the studio in Sausalito, (directions provided after registration) and will gather for an optional no-host lunch with Alex after the tour. Let us know if you would like to car pool, we will try to facilitate car pools.

Alex has been weaving tapestries for over 40 years. She has woven may commissions as well as developed her own body of tapestry art. She exhibits widely and her work has been published in magazines and books. She has been the Director of the American Tapestry Alliance and currently serves on the Board of the Textile Arts Council, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Pre-registration is required. Please use this form to reserve your place.

Send registration and payment to: Textile Arts Council de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive

San Francisco, CA 94118

Please note: Payment may also be provided over the telephone during TAC office hours, Tu/We/Fr 10am-4pm, (415) 750-3627. Space is limited and tours tend to fill up quickly with your fellow textile enthusiasts! Your spot is guaranteed when payment is received.



de Young aerial view

The Textile Arts Council is a curatorial support organization of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Textiles are displayed at the de Young Museum and at the Legion of Honor, which together form the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Legion of Honor museum

de Young Museum
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco CA 94118
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

Legion of Honor
100 34th Avenue
Lincoln Park
San Francisco CA 94121
Tue thru Sun, 9:30am — 5:15pm

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The membership of the Textile Arts Council elects volunteers to serve on the Textile Arts Council Board to govern the organization.

For inquiries or information, please contact our TAC administrator at (415) 750-3627.

You may also reach us via email

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